

26 септември 2016

Упражнение 010 - Поставете глагола to be в нужната форма | dLambow

Упражнение 010 - Поставете глагола to be  в нужната форма

Поставете на празните места глагола to be в съответната му форма.

    • 1. The window ..... open.
    • 2. I ..... in the classroom.
    • 3. We ..... students.
    • 4. You ..... a teacher.
    • 5. The baby ..... in bed.
    • 6. The books ..... on the table.
    • 7. I ..... a student.
    • 8. The door ..... shut.
    • 9. The children ..... in the garden.
    • 10.  ..... we students?
    • 11. The chair ..... near the table.
    • 12.  ..... I a teacher?
    • 13.  ..... the door shut?
    • 14.  ..... the windows open?
    • 15.  ..... the baby in bed?
    • 16.  ..... the children in the garden?
    • 17.  ..... the chair near the table?
    • 18.  ..... I in the classroom?
    • 19.  ..... the books on the table?
    • 20.  ..... you teachers?
    Впишете, за упражнение, правилния резултат в коментарите, по-долу. Изписвайте цялото изречение, за да упражнявате и писането.


    7 коментара: каза...

    The window is open.
    I am in the classroom.
    We are students.
    You are teacher.
    The baby is in bed
    The books in on the table
    A am a student
    The door in shut
    The children are in the garden.
    Are we students?
    The chair in hear the table.
    Am I a teacher?
    Is it the door shut?
    Is the window open?
    Is the baby in bed?
    Is the children in the garden?
    In the chair near the table?
    Am I in the classroom?
    In the books on the table?
    Are you teachers? каза...

    Не разбрах,имам ли грешки? Или вече съм готов за CANADA?

    qnka_stefanova каза...

    Това не е изпит, нито тест. Идеята е освен ученето на теория, да има и упражнения за правилно писане и изразяване. Т.е. добре е да се правят колкото е възможно повече упражнения и при всяка възможност да се практикува езика. Тук никой не следи и не поправя грешки (освен ако са много фрапиращи). С напредването, Вие сами ще си откривате слабостите и грешките, върху които да наблегнете.

    Unknown каза...

    The window is open.
    2. I am in the classroom.
    3. We are students.
    4. You are a teacher.
    5. The baby is in bed.
    6. The books are on the table.
    7. I am a student.
    8. The door is shut.
    9. The children are plaing in the garden.
    10. Are we students?
    11. The chair is near the table.
    12. ..... I a teacher?
    13. Is the door shut?
    14. Are the windows open?
    15. Is the baby in bed?
    16. Are the children in the garden?
    17. IS the chair near the table?
    18. ..... I in the classroom?
    19. Are the books on the table?
    20. Are you teachers?

    anit_dobrefff каза...

    Am I a teacher?
    Am I in the classroom?

    Andi каза...

    1. The window is open.
    2. I am in the classroom.
    3. We are students.
    4. You are a teacher.
    5. The baby is in bed.
    6. The books are on the table.
    7. I am a student.
    8. The door is shut.
    9. The childern are in the garden.
    10. Are we students?
    11. The chair is near the table.
    12. Am I a Teacher?
    13. Is the door shut?
    14. Are the windows open?
    15. Is the baby in bed?
    16. Are the childern in the garden?
    17. Is the chair near the table?
    18. Am I in the classroom?
    19. Are the books on the table?
    20. Are you teachers?

    Unknown каза...

    1. The window open.
    2. I .am.... in the classroom.
    3. We ..are... students.
    4. You ..are... a teacher.
    5. The baby .is.... in bed.
    6. The books ..are... on the table.
    7. I .am.... a student.
    8. The door .is.... shut.
    9. The children ...are.. in the garden.
    10. .Are.... we students?
    11. The chair .is... near the table.
    12. ..Am... I a teacher?
    13. ..Is... the door shut?
    14. ...Are.. the windows open?
    15. ...Is.. the baby in bed?
    16. ..Are... the children in the garden?
    17. ...Is.. the chair near the table?
    18. ..Am... I in the classroom?
    19. ...Are.. the books on the table?
    20. ..Are... you teachers?


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