Самоучител по английски - Пълно съдържание

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20 октомври 2016

Спрежение на глагола to have | dLambow

Таблица за спрежение на глагола to have

Таблица за спрежение на глагола to have
Спрежение на глагола to have

Спрежение на глагола to have

Тук ще представим таблици с всички спрежения на спомагателния глагол to have (имам) - инфинитив, времена, наклонения, залози и причастия - всичко на едно място. За упражнение, може да създадете различни примери и да ги впишете в коментарите по-долу.


А сега ето и всички таблици със спреженията на глагола to have.

Инфинитив - Infinitive

to have (had/had)

Сегашно време

Просто сегашно - Simple Present


Сегашно продължително - Present continuous

Iam having
youare having
he/she/itis having
weare having
youare having
theyare having

Сегашно перфектно - Present perfect

Ihave had
youhave had
he/she/ithas had
wehave had
youhave had
theyhave had

Сегашно перфектно продължително - Present perfect continuous

Ihave been having
youhave been having
he/she/ithas been having
wehave been having
youhave been having
theyhave been having

Минало време

Минало просто - Simple past


Минало продължително - Past continuous

Iwas having
youwere having
he/she/itwas having
wewere having
youwere having
theywere having

Минало перфектно - Past perfect

Ihad had
youhad had
he/she/ithad had
wehad had
youhad had
theyhad had

Минало перфектно продължително - Past perfect continuous

Ihad been having
youhad been having
he/she/ithad been having
wehad been having
youhad been having
theyhad been having

Бъдеще време

Просто бъдеще - Simple Future

Iwill have
youwill have
he/she/itwill have
wewill have
youwill have
theywill have

Бъдеще продължително - Future continuous

Iwill be having
youwill be having
he/she/itwill be having
wewill be having
youwill be having
theywill be having

Бъдеще перфектно- Future perfect

Iwill have had
youwill have had
he/she/itwill have had
wewill have had
youwill have had
theywill have had

Бъдеще перфектно продължително - Future perfect continuous

Iwill have been having
youwill have been having
he/she/itwill have been having
wewill have been having
youwill have been having
theywill have been having

Условно време

Условно сегашно - Conditional present

Iwould have
youwould have
he/she/itwould have
wewould have
youwould have
theywould have

Условно перфектно - Conditional perfect

Iwould have had
youwould have had
he/she/itwould have had
wewould have had
youwould have had
theywould have had

Условно сегашно прогресивно - Conditional present progressive

Iwould be having
youwould be having
he/she/itwould be having
wewould be having
youwould be having
theywould be having

Условно перфектно прогресивно - Conditional perfect progressive

Iwould have been having
youwould have been having
he/she/itwould have been having
wewould have been having
youwould have been having
theywould have been having


Сегашно подчинително - Present subjunctive


Минало подчинително - Past subjunctive


Минало перфектно подчинително - Past perfect subjunctive

Ihad had
youhad had
he/she/ithad had
wehad had
youhad had
theyhad had

Повелително - Imperative

weLet´s have


Сегашно причастие - Present participle


Минало причастие - Past participle


Някои типични готови английски фрази, съдържащи глагола "to have":

  • what have you done
  • to have no standing
  • to have a night out
  • to have a cinch on sb.
  • to have a peep at sth.
  • to have a good nose
  • to have to do with
  • to have recourse to
  • to have a hat on
  • to have over
  • to have a snack
  • I should have.
  • to have to do with
  • to have recourse to
  • to have no standing
  • I have a cancer.
  • to have a good nose
  • to have a thin time
  • to have it in for sb.
  • Have you noticed this?
  • to have sth. at heart
  • to have a row with sb.
  • do you have
  • to have a hat on
  • to have over
  • to have a snack
  • to have in common
  • to have a snack
  • to have a thin time
  • to have a dry mouth
  • to have nothing to do
  • to have it in for sb.
  • I have a hunch
  • to have sth. at heart
  • to have a crush on sb.
  • to have a hand in sth.
  • to have a cinch on sb.
  • to have a crush on sb.

Още за спреженията на англисйктие глаголи има тук ...


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